Wednesday 27 June 2012

Hi I am MR A my English class has been told to create a blog on reading so here it is. Read for me is a thing which I do when I’m in the car to a race while I’m listening to music to calm my nerves, it’s not my favourite thing to do but it I will do it if it’s raining and there’s nothing good on TV.

I’ve been reading since is I was young but when i was younger I would read a lot but now I read very rarely. The book that got me in to reading was a Horrid Henry book I would read it when i could as it was for me at the time very funny and gave me some funny ideas to do to my brother.

Since then I’ve being reading many books like the Harry Potters and they have been good to read but if im honest I perfer to watch the films as well I think it’s easier than reading but still will read it. I find that if it has a good film the book is even better. So I would go to the cinema or but the DVD then read the book. well that’s what I think feel welcome to comment on what you think about it.

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